Author: onlineworldastrology

When you will get married depends on the right marriage cycle indicated from the seventh house and the position of the main planets Venus, Jupiter and the seventh house lord... Read More

We have often seen marriages getting postponed (sometimes due to the flimsiest of reasons), friction with in-laws, and then we see the happiest of marriages all of a sudden painfully... Read More

All, even those with little knowledge of astrology, would know that a horoscope consists of 12 houses and nine planets in astrology. But then many people come to me asking... Read More

Purvashada Nakshatra is a shining star in the constellation circle whose auspiciousness makes it very special. Purvashada Nakshatra gets the 20th place in the circle. The arrival of Purvashada Nakshatra... Read More

Ashwini Nakshatra comes first among the 27 Nakshatras and it also gives the effect of the quality of its first place in the career of the person. Ashwini Nakshatra is... Read More

IVF is a revolutionary alternative aimed at childless couples that are infertile due to so many reasons. When all infertility treatments have failed, IVF is the only glowing ray of... Read More

A person’s birth time is pre-decided based on the past life(s), and so is the departure date from this earth. As humans, we always aspire to live a long life.... Read More

Sometimes, the person himself wants to know marriage timing for self and sometimes, the parents want to know about the marriage timing of their children. Any delay in marriage mostly... Read More

We have many opportunities in making a career, but even in this many times a question arises in our mind as to what will be right for us. Which job... Read More

It is a common question reaching the marriageable age: when will I get married? Sometimes, an inordinate delay in a person’s marriage makes the family ask: When will you get... Read More