Author: onlineworldastrology

Geminis, known for their intelligence, extraversion, and dynamism, can be spotted easily amongst people holding intellectual debates in a group. Apart from this, in their private life, they are slightly... Read More

Arranged marriage is a concept that is unique to India and has been a highly respected tradition for the Hindu community. The planets influence our personality, temperament and life events,... Read More

Love compatibility is an exceptionally important factor in marriage. It builds emotional connection, and trust between partners. Compatible partners have not much difference of opinions and hence enjoy a successful... Read More

A person's birth time is pre-decided based on the past life(s), and so is the departure date from this earth. As humans, we always aspire to live a long life.... Read More

It is more important for persons in love to know why we should match horoscope: is horoscope matching required in love marriage? Marriage matching is the matching of compatibility between... Read More

Health and health-related issues primarily relate to Medical Science. The only difference is medical science and medical treatment generally come into the picture once a person starts developing health issues.... Read More