Divyansh Onyx 2 BHK Apartment NH24, Ghaziabad

Now you have found the perfect home for your family in Divyansh Onyx which has all the facilities that you want in your life which will take your life from simple to luxury along with comfort in your life. Divyansh Onyx 2 BHK Apartment is located in NH24, Ghaziabad which will make you feel safe to stay along with the park and green area in front of the balcony is an advantage for you. The starting price of 2/3/4 BHK Apartments starts from just 75.86 Lakhs* only! which gives you luxury amenities along with location connectivity which is connected to Delhi-Meerut Expressway, NH24, Noida\'s area etc. RERA No: UPRERAPRJ15690.